Der Verein: Chancengleichheit und Vielfalt leben
Since 1996, TOTAL E-QUALITY Deutschland e. V. has been aiming to establish and sustainably ensure equal opportunities. This aim is achieved when talents, capabilities and expertise of both genders are recognized, embraced and promoted in equal measures. TOTAL E-QUALITY Management (stands for Total Quality Management and Equality) is a human resources management, oriented on the one hand at the gender and on the other at the very differing life-events of the employees.
One of the key issues is the advancement of women in leadership positions. In addition to the reconciliation of work and family life, TOTAL E-QUALITY is also concerned with equal opportunities in personnel recruitment and development, the promotion of fair behaviour at the workplace and the consideration of equal opportunity in the company principles.
The TOTAL E-QUALITY Award is presented each year for exemplary activities in terms of human resource management aimed at providing equal opportunity. The award certifies that the recipient has shown a successful and sustained commitment to equal opportunities for women and men in the professions.
In the future, the activities of the association will emphasise on the diversity issue, the Europe wide award presentation and the concentration on medium sized businesses.
We invite you to support us on our way! We are happy to welcome you as a sponsor. Moreover, if you would like to support our goals in public as a multiplier, our doors will always be open for you.
Further information
Award winners
The TOTAL E-QUALITY award is presented each year for exemplary activities in terms of human resource management aimed at providing equal opportunity.